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Certain people say that the food of the people of the Book which has been in the verse 5:5 would not specify animals which are slaughtered for eating. It is wrong.

As for the food that which is not slaughtered for eating is concerned all the food of the people of the Book also would be permissible. In whosoever's home, edibles such as rice, greens, vegetables etc. , can be eaten.

Here it is said about the slaughtered animals of the people of the Book that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had eaten the non-vegetarian food of the Jews. There are certain acceptable Hadith which say that they (the Jews) gave poisoned mutton in order to kill the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Bukhari 2617).

It would be proper if we concluded that those animals slaughtered by Jews and Christians would become exempted when it was said ‘eat those which were slaughtered in the name of Allah’.

Moreover we cannot assume that it has been changed since this verse is one among those verses which were bestowed during the end period of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Refer: Nasayee 2434).

Hence, if the people of the Book give us un-prohibited food, we could eat them and we should not disallow a thing which was allowed by Allah.

But most of the people give only wrong interpretation while deciding who would be the people of the Book.

Even though it would specify all those who believed in the Books, if it was taken in the straight sense, Quran says that only Jews and Christians are the people of the Books.

At the same time, it should not be understood that it specified all the Jews and Christians in general; since, Prophet Isa (pbuh) and all other messengers who were appointed to Jews were sent for the people of Israel only.

The Book Taurath and Injeel, were bestowed only for the people of Israel. (Refer Quran 3:49,5:72,7:105,7:134,7:138,10:90,17:2,17:101,20:47, 20:94,26:17, 32:23, 40:53,43:59,61:6)

Quran says that Prophet Isa (pbuh) had said that he was sent for the people of Israel (Refer Quran 3:49, 5:72, 43:59, 61:6).

 If those who were not people of Israel, converted to Judaism or Christianity, they could not become people of Isa (pbuh); since the Books - Taurath and Injeel were not bestowed upon them.

We should keep it in mind that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only had been sent as a Messenger for the entire mankind; all other messengers had been sent for particular people and particular community.

Since those Books (Taurath & Injeel) were not bestowed upon those Jews and Christians who were not people of Israel, they could not become people of the Book in the eyes of Allah. Hence it is wrong to say that this verse (5:5) permits eating of those animals not slaughtered by those Jews and Christians who were not people of Israel.

For more details refer notes 27 &138.

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