Chapter : 62
Al- Jumu’ah –the special prayer of Friday
Total verses : 11
As the ninth and tenth verses of this chapter mention the Friday prayer as ‘Jumu’ah’, it is named ‘Al-jumu’ah’.
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful.
1. Whatever is in the heavens507 and on the earth exalts Allah. He is the Sovereign, the Pure10 (from all weaknesses), the Mighty, the wise.
2. It is He who sent among the unlettered people a messenger from themselves. He conveys His verses to them. He purifies them. He teaches37 them the Book and the wisdom67 . They were in clear misguidance before this.
3. And (He sent him), for others187 also among them. They have not yet joined them. He is the Mighty, the Wise28.
4. This is the bounty of Allah. He gives it to whom He wants. Allah is the possessor of the great bounty.
5. The example of those who were entrusted with ‘ Tawrath’ 491but later, did not follow it, is like that of an ass which carries sheets (of paper). The example of those who consider Allah's verses lies, is very bad. Allah will not show the right way to the unjust.
6. (O Muhammad) say, “O Jews, if You consider yourselves Allah’s friends, excluding other people, then wish for death if you are truthful in it (in the belief).”
7. They will never wish that because of what they did. Allah is aware of the unjust.
8. Say, “ Indeed, that death from which you run away, indeed, will meet you. Then you will be returned to the one who is knowing of the hidden and the seen. He will inform you of what you have been doing.”
9. O believers, If you are called for prayer on Friday hasten to remember Allah. Leave the trade481. If you knew then that is the best for you.
10. And when the prayer is ended you disperse in the earth and seek for Allah’s bounty. You will succeed.
11. And say, “ (O Muhammad) when they see either trade or pastime then, they leave you standing and go towards it. What is with Allah is better than pastime and trade. Allah is the best of providers463.”
62. AL JUMUA - (the special prayer of Friday)
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